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-   ABOUT US  -

In Toronto, before there were food trucks, ice cream trucks and hot dog carts, there were chestnut vendors. 

Our family started in the chestnut business in 1972 and even though almost all chestnut vendors have disappeared, our family is continuing to keep the tradition alive. You can find us at High Park or downtown during the holiday season.

Everyone knows the song, "chestnuts roasting on an open fire" and automatically start singing the song when they see us roasting chestnuts.

People are always taking pictures of our carts because either they have never seen chestnuts roasting on an open fire or it brings back memories of when chestnut vendors used to be prominent on the Toronto landscape.

This is the reason people want us at their events, parades, festivals and private functions. Nothing adds to the holiday season quite like the smell of the hardwood charcoal combined with the sweet smell of the chestnuts.

If you  want something completely unique that no one else is doing, contact us and we can provide a unique experience for you that absolutely no one else offers in all of Canada. 

We can accommodate your personal needs and provide an experience that is just for you and your event.

For more information, call Louis at 647-998-4199 or email 

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